Help protect your pet and your home from fleas with Advantage®II
Untreated pets are at risk of flea infestations. Fleas make your pet dog, cat, rabbit and ferret miserable and can lead to more serious health issues like dermatitis and anemia. Fleas can also transmit diseases. If your pet swallows an infected flea while grooming it could result in a tapeworm infection in your pet - which could then be communicable to humans.
Adult fleas are only the tip of the iceberg
For every adult flea you can see there are many more eggs, larvae and pupae hidden away in your home, waiting to develop, and spread. In fact, around 95% of any flea population lurks in immature stages throughout your home – hidden in your carpets, bedding and upholstery.
To help protect your pets and your home against fleas, use a regular flea treatment on your pet throughout the year. Advantage® II for cats, dogs, ferrets and rabbits is a topical treatment that kills fleas through contact. Even better, fleas don’t have to bite your pet in order to be killed. Advantage® II gets to work quickly and continues to kill fleas for up to four weeks for cats and dogs and ferrets, and up to 8 days for rabbits. It also kills flea larvae and flea eggs in your home.
Why Advantage®II?
Up to 28 days of protection
Kills fleas through contact
Suitable for use in dogs, cats, rabbits and ferrets
Advantage® for cats and dogs
About Advantage®II
If your dog does catch fleas, your home can quickly become infested. The fleas lay eggs on your pet, which fall off throughout your home. These eggs hatch into larvae, which develop into pupae and then adult fleas. Fleas, their eggs, larvae and pupae hide in your carpets, bedding and upholstery. They can also take up residence in the upholstery of your car. Once the adult fleas hatch, they are hungry to feed on any red-blooded mammals they can find, including humans.
Advantage®II kills fleas and stops infestations quickly. If you are still seeing fleas on your pet despite using Advantage® II, it’s likely that these are hitchhiker fleas. Once they jump onto your pet, they, too, will be killed by Advantage®II.
You can, however, put a stop to the flea cycle even faster by washing your dog’s bedding in very hot water (and your bedding as well if your pet sleeps with you) and putting it in the dryer, if possible. Vacuuming your carpets and floors at least once a week can also encourage fleas to seek out the protection of your pet – who has already been treated with Advantage® II.
For more in-depth tips about tackling flea infestations, read our essential guide to evicting fleas from your home.
Advantage®II is available online, through your veterinarian, and in pet stores.
If you are bathing your pet (although bathing is not required) use an appropriate shampoo. A non-medicated shampoo designed for cats is fine. Baths can be given as often as once per month without affecting the performance of the product. If more than one bath is given, the product should be reapplied after the second bath.
Note: flea shampoo, medicated shampoos, human shampoo and dish detergents are not appropriate choices when managing fleas with Advantage®II as they may affect the performance of the product. Please wait 3 days between product application and bathing.
You can use Advantage®II on puppies seven weeks old and over.
No, each dog should receive their own dose of Advantage®II. Always follow the instructions on the packet carefully and give your dog the correct dosage for their weight to ensure effective treatment. If you’re unsure of how to apply Advantage® II, contact your veterinarian.
Advantage®II is a non-prescription treatment which is available at your pet shop, veterinarian, and online*.
*availability may vary by province
Consult your veterinarian before using this product, or any product, on pregnant or lactating dogs
Advantage®II kills fleas within 24 hours of treatment and remains effective for up to four weeks.
If retreatment is necessary earlier than 4 weeks due to the scale of the infestation, do not treat your cat more frequently than once weekly.
Sensitivities may occur after using any pesticide product for pets. If signs persist or become more severe, consult a veterinarian immediately. Call 1 888 663 5326 for assistance regarding product use.
Every pack of Advantage®II contains 4 to 6 single-use tubes.
Advantage®II does not expire.
If you’ve recently bathed your dog, it’s recommended you wait at least two days before applying Advantage®II flea treatment.
If you see any fleas on your cat, you’re only looking at five per cent of the total number that might be in your home.
For every fully-grown flea you spot there will be many more eggs, larvae and pupae hidden in carpets, bedding, furniture, floorboards and all kinds of nooks and crannies throughout your home. These will all soon hatch into new adult fleas. The best way to reduce the chances of flea infestations in your home is to use flea treatment regularly.
Even indoor pets can get fleas. Fleas can be carried into the home on your clothing, or from other pets that visit the house, putting your dog at risk. That’s why it’s still important to regularly protect your dog with a flea product like Advantage®II for dogs.
Advantage®II does not expire.
Advantage®II is a topical treatment so it’s applied to your pet’s skin and will kill fleas through contact. It does not require fleas to bite1 . Oral flea products, in contrast, are active in the bloodstream, which means fleas must bite your pet to be killed.
It’s quick and simple to use Advantage®II, making it a convenient way to treat your pet for fleas year-round. Apply Advantage®II once a month to help protect your pet and home against fleas.
Step 1: Remove your dog’s collar before application.
Step 2: Hold applicator tube upright and pull cap off.
Step 3: Use the opposite end of the cap to break the seal.
Step 4: Part your dog’s hair, starting at the shoulder blades
Step 5: Apply the entire content of the tube evenly to specified spots along your dog’s back between the shoulder blades.
* for dogs less than 25 kg (under 55 pounds): with your dog standing, apply the entire tube to one spot on your dog’s back between the shoulder blades.
* for dogs over 25 kg (over 55 pounds): With your dog standing, apply the entire contents of the tube evenly to 5 spots along your dog’s back between the shoulder blades.
For all size dogs: do not rub in treatment; allow to dry naturally.
Make sure you record the treatment date and repeat monthly.
Note: only apply to intact skin. Keep recently treated animals separated so they can’t groom each other. If you’re unsure how to apply Advantage®II, refer to the product information included in the pack or contact your veterinarian. Choose the correct Advantage®II product suitable for your dog’s weight.
There are several ways even the cleanest cat can get fleas:
* Wild animals carry fleas, (including mice and rats, squirrels, groundhogs, rabbits, skunks, raccoons and foxes), and if they pass through your backyard, they can transfer fleas to your cat
* Fleas can be passed on from other infested cats and dogs your cat comes into contact with while roaming your neighbourhood
* Other pets in your home can be carriers, so make sure you keep all pets protected with a flea treatment
* Cats can even catch fleas from you! You could unknowingly come into contact with fleas and transport them into your home and onto your pets.
To protect against fleas with Advantage®II, you will need to choose the correct product based on your dog’s weight. Use this guide to find which product is right for your dog:
* Dogs weighing under 4.5 kg (under 10 pounds) require Advantage®II for Small Dogs 0.4 mL topical solution
* Dogs weighing between 4.6 kg and 11 kg (10 to 24 pounds) require Advantage®II for Medium Dogs 1 mL topical solution
* Dogs weighing between 11 kg and 25 kg (24 to 55 pounds) require Advantage®II for Large Dogs 2.5 mL topical solution
* Dogs over 25 kg (over 55 pounds) require Advantage®II for Extra Large Dogs 4 mL topical solution
Advantage®II is a non-prescription treatment which is available at your pet shop, veterinarian, and online*.
*availability may vary by province
It’s important to treat all household pets with the appropriate flea treatment. When one pet has fleas, other pets in the house will soon be infested as well.
There are several ways fleas can easily invade your home and your pets:
* If your dog socializes with other dogs when out on a walk, they can easily pick up fleas from their buddies;
* Your dog can catch them from other household pets. Even if you haven’t noticed your pet cat or rabbit scratching more than usual, they could still have fleas. If they are not treated, they could easily transfer fleas to your dog;
* Wild animals such as mice and rats, squirrels, groundhogs, rabbits, skunks, raccoons, foxes and coyotes can transport fleas into your backyard or nearby shrubbery, where they can get transferred onto your dog;
* If you come into contact with fleas yourself, these persistent parasites can hitch a ride on you or your clothing into your home.
Consult your veterinarian before using this product, or any product, on pregnant or lactating cats.
It’s recommended that you avoid bathing your dog for at least three days after treatment.
After three days, it’s fine to give your dog a bath in a non-medicated shampoo made for dogs or cats. Baths can be given as often as once per month without affecting the performance of the product. If more than one bath is given, the product should be reapplied after the second bath.
Note: flea shampoo, medicated shampoos, human shampoo and dish detergents are not appropriate choices when managing fleas with Advantage®II as they may affect the performance of the product.
If you need to bathe your dog between applications, always use a soap-free shampoo. It’s best to wash your dog, wait until they are fully dry and then apply Advantage. For optimal skin health in well dogs, don’t bathe your dog more frequently than fortnightly.
A single application lasts for up to four weeks.
Once applied, Advantage®II gets to work quickly. It starts killing fleas within 2 hours2 , and within 24 hours all fleas on your dog will be killed.
Do not split tubes between animals. Always follow the instructions on the packet carefully and give each cat the correct dosage for their weight. To ensure effective treatment, each cat should get their own tube of Advantage®II. If you’re unsure of how to apply Advantage®II, contact your veterinarian.
Advantage®II flea treatment should be repeated every 4 weeks to protect your cat against fleas. Outdoors, fleas can’t survive temperatures under -1 Celsius for more than 5 days. Indoors, however, fleas can live indefinitely as long as they can find a red-blooded host to feed on. It may be best to err on the side of caution and continue your treatment in winter to keep fleas at bay. Your veterinarian can help you assess the level of flea risk in your region.
We recommend contacting your veterinarian or Bayer Canada toll-free at 1-888-663-5326 (9 a.m. – 5 p.m. EST).
If your cat does catch fleas, your home can quickly become infested. Fleas lay eggs on your pet, which then fall off into your home. These eggs hatch into larvae, which develop into pupae and then adult fleas, which emerge hungry to feed on any red-blooded mammal – including humans. These eggs, larvae and pupae can be found in carpets, bedding, furniture, floorboards and all kinds of nooks and crannies throughout your home.
Advantage®II contains pyriproxyfen, an insect growth regulator. Pyriproxyfen is distributed into the home on fur and skin shed by the pets and prevents flea eggs and larvae from developing into the next stage of the flea life cycle. It is not necessary to treat your home with sprays or other products if your pets are treated with Advantage®II and are allowed to roam your entire home.
You can, however, put a stop to the flea cycle even faster by washing your pet’s bedding in very hot water (and your bedding as well if your pet sleeps with you) and putting it in the dryer on a hot setting, if possible. Vacuuming your carpets and floors at least once a week can also encourage fleas to seek out the protection of a cat – who has already been treated with Advantage®II for cats.
For more in-depth tips about tackling flea infestations, read our essential guide to evicting fleas from your home.
Advantage®II Kitten should be used on kittens who are at least eight weeks old. Consult your veterinarian before using on a kitten who is still nursing.
It is recommended that Advantage®II is applied every 4 weeks for the treatment of flea infestations in dogs and the prevention of re-infestation, as well as for the treatment of lice.
Some cats are hypersensitive to flea saliva. This can cause an allergic reaction which leads to a skin condition called Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD). FAD can be highly uncomfortable for cats, causing them to compulsively scratch their irritated skin, often leading to hair loss and skin lesions.
If your veterinarian diagnoses your cat with Flea Allergy Dermatitis, Advantage®II can be used as part of a flea treatment strategy. The active ingredient in Advantage®II for cats kills fleas through contact, meaning the fleas don’t have to bite your cat in order to be killed1.
Yes. Fleas can unknowingly be brought into your home by you or other pets. Immature fleas in the form of eggs, larvae or pupae can remain dormant in your home until conditions are ideal for them to hatch and infest your pets. That’s why it’s important to also treat indoor pets.
Advantage®II contains two active ingredients, imidacloprid and pyriproxyfen. Imidacloprid kills adult fleas through contact on your cat’s skin, fleas do not have to bite your pet to be killed1. Pyriproxyfen works as an insect growth regulator. Distributed into the home on fur and skin shed by the cat, pyriproxyfen prevents flea eggs and larvae from developing into the next stage of the flea life cycle.
Depending on your cat’s weight you can choose from Advantage®II Kitten, Small Cat or Large Cat.
Every pack of Advantage®II contains 4 to 6 single-use tubes, and each tube protects against fleas for up to four weeks
Always consult your veterinarian before using Advantage®II if your cat is already taking other medication.

Advantage®II Flea Protection for Extra Large Dogs - 4 pack
Weighing over 25 kg (>55 lbs.)

Advantage®II Flea Protection for Large Dogs - 4 pack
11 to 25 kg (24 to 55 lbs.)

Advantage®II Flea Protection for Medium Dogs - 4 pack
4.6 to 11 kg (10 to 24 lbs.)

Advantage®II Flea Protection for Small Dogs - 4 pack
less than 4.5 kg (<10 lbs.)

Advantage®II Flea Protection for Small Cats - 4 pack
between 2.3 to 4 kg (5 to 9 lbs.)

Advantage®II Flea Protection for Extra Large Dogs - 4 pack
Weighing over 25 kg (>55 lbs.)

Advantage®II Flea Protection for Large Dogs - 4 pack
11 to 25 kg (24 to 55 lbs.)

Advantage®II Flea Protection for Medium Dogs - 4 pack
4.6 to 11 kg (10 to 24 lbs.)

Advantage®II Flea Protection for Small Dogs - 4 pack
less than 4.5 kg (<10 lbs.)

Advantage®II Flea Protection for Small Cats - 4 pack
between 2.3 to 4 kg (5 to 9 lbs.)

Advantage®II Flea Protection for Extra Large Dogs - 4 pack
Weighing over 25 kg (>55 lbs.)

Advantage®II Flea Protection for Large Dogs - 4 pack
11 to 25 kg (24 to 55 lbs.)

Advantage®II Flea Protection for Medium Dogs - 4 pack
4.6 to 11 kg (10 to 24 lbs.)

Advantage®II Flea Protection for Small Dogs - 4 pack
less than 4.5 kg (<10 lbs.)

Advantage®II Flea Protection for Small Cats - 4 pack
between 2.3 to 4 kg (5 to 9 lbs.)