Reviewed by Dr Sylvia Shortreed BVSc
Mosquitoes are more than a warm-weather nuisance – by biting your dog, these insects can spread disease, too. Learn how to safeguard your pet’s health by preventing mosquito bites.
Do mosquitoes bite dogs?
Just as mosquitoes bite humans, they can also bite dogs. And just like in people, mosquito bites are uncomfortable, and can cause irritation and also infect your pet with dangerous diseases such as heartworm disease. Heartworm disease is a potentially fatal condition caused by a worm (Dirofilaria immitis) that lives and grows inside a dog or cat’s heart and causes symptoms similar to heart disease (weight loss, lethargy, coughing and even death). The tiny heartworm larvae are transmitted between dogs and cats through the bite of an infected mosquito, while the mosquito feeds. Luckily, there are several ways you can prevent mosquito bites, and several products that are effective at preventing heartworm disease in pets.
Five ways to protect your dog from mosquito bites
1. Repel mosquitos on your pet
Speak to your vet about choosing a dog-safe mosquito repellent. Some repellents come in spray form and must be applied to your dog before every outing and reapplied every few hours. More convenient options include spot-on treatments such as Advantix® for dogs, which repels and kills the mosquitoes responsible for heartworm transmission. Additionally, Advantix’s easy-to-apply spot-on treatment protects your dog against fleas, ticks (including the deadly Australian paralysis tick), lice and other flying insects like sand flies and stable flies.
Never use a mosquito repellent meant for humans – many contain ingredients that are safe for people but extremely dangerous for pets.
2. Avoid being outside when mosquitoes are more active
While you may enjoy a morning or evening walk with your dog, you should avoid walking near still or stagnant water at dawn and dusk, when mosquitoes are most active. This will guard your dog – and you – against receiving excessive bites.
3. Repel mosquitoes in your backyard
Discourage mosquitoes from buzzing into your garden by treating your backyard with a spray or adding natural mosquito deterrents like citronella candles. In addition, watch out for stagnant water in your yard: dog bowls, empty flowerpots, bird baths, ponds, kiddie pools and improperly drained yards can all act as mosquito breeding grounds, and result in an increase in mosquito population in your yard.
4. Check the entrances to your home
Don’t make it easy for mosquitoes to enter your house. Check the screens on windows and doors for tears, and repair or replace as necessary.
5. Prevent heartworm disease with regular treatment
While these preventative measurements can reduce your dog’s exposure to mosquitoes, it’s nearly impossible to prevent mosquito bites entirely. That’s why giving your dog regular heartworm medication is vital to their health and safety. There are many convenient and effective heartworm preventatives available such as Advocate™, Credelio™ PLUS and Sentinel Spectrum™. Always read and follow product label instructions and remember that consistent prevention is key to protecting your pet from heartworm disease. Consult your vet for advice on treatment options for your pet, as this may differ if you are starting with heartworm prevention for the first time, or if you have missed some prevention doses.

Advocate for dogs
Advocate provides fast relief from fleas, prevents deadly heartworm and helps protect your dog and your family from most intestinal worms

Credelio™ Plus 4 in 1 protection in the smallest chew
Keeps your dog protected from ticks, fleas, demodex mites PLUS heartworm and intestinal worms.