Instinctively Close Part 3 - The Intruder

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Foreword by Dr Sam Taylor – vet and specialist in feline medicine

“People often ask me what drives their cats’ more curious behaviours.”

• Why do they sleep in such strange places?

• What are they trying to tell me when they meow so much?

• Why do they go missing, only to emerge hours later with a ‘present’ left ceremoniously on the doormat?

This report offers guidance on getting ‘instinctively closer’ to your pet – understanding why they do the things they do and why they’re not as far removed from their big cat cousins as we might think.

It also explores why wilder natural instincts can sometimes leave them vulnerable and how a little preventative care can help them roam the suburban jungle and the great indoors in safety.

Each section in this guide focuses on a different behaviour, alongside advice to help your family and your cat live together harmoniously.

‘Why does my cat need to nose around every corner of the house?’

Not all cats favour a footloose and fancy-free existence. Some can be nervous of the great outdoors and real threats such as other more dominant cats, wildlife or traffic. Fussier felines may also make a point of avoiding bad weather, meaning they can get restless when stuck indoors during the cold, wet winter months.

By instinct, cats will define their own boundaries within the home. Their unique agility, balance, coordination, flexibility and strength means there are few places that are out of bounds to a crafty cat.

In a survey of 2,000 households, the owner’s bed was identified as their cat’s favourite spot to sleep.2

It is often very funny to find your cat in an unlikely, seemingly inaccessible spot. But their curiosity can pose a serious health risk to your household if your cat is spreading parasite eggs to the places where you prepare food, eat and sleep.

49% of cat owners have been bitten by, or seen, fleas in their home.2

Roundworms, for example, can cause disease in people, with potentially serious risks affecting the eyes, lungs, heart and nervous system. By ensuring your cat is wormed regularly, you can protect not just your pets, but your family and children too.

If left untreated, fleas can pose a real risk to your cat’s health and can be extremely hard to get rid of once they invade your home.

About 95% of the typical household flea infestation is in the form of eggs, larvae and pupae, with only 5% visible in the form of the adult flea.2

Did you know...

Zoonosis is the technical term for a disease that can be transmitted to humans from animals.3

2 Nationally representative survey of 2,000 British cat owners by 3gem research on behalf of Bayer

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January 2022

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