Have complete peace of mind with Tracer™ Advance microchips

It’s easy to have your pet microchipped, and it’s the responsible thing to do.

Having your pet fitted with a Tracer Advance microchip means you have the best chance of being reunited with your pet if they go missing. Have complete peace of mind with a Tracer Advance microchip.

Why Tracer Advance microchips? 

  • Tracer moving house icon
    Moving house

    It’s very easy for your pet to become disorientated after moving to a new home or new area. 

  • Tracer fireworks icon
    Fireworks season

    During fireworks season the reports of lost pets increases dramatically. Always remember to keep your pets inside if fireworks are going off. 

  • Tracer disruptive noise
    Disruptive noises

    Building noise, parties at the neighbours, motorbikes and more… all of these can affect our pets so they may try and escape for some peace and quiet.

  • Tracer is out of the ordinary
    Unusual atmosphere

    New people and noises around your home can affect your pets’ behaviour so they want to scoot out of an open door or window and get lost. 

A Tracer microchip is the size of a grain of rice

How big is a Tracer Advance microchip?

Each Tracer Advance microchip is slightly larger than a piece of long grain rice. It sits safe and comfortably under your pet’s skin and is coded with a unique number that can be read by a scanner when passed over the microchip.

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How a microchip works: 

Tracer implantation

1. Implantation

When you take your pet to your local Vet Practice, they will implant the microchip into the scruff of your pet’s neck, in a very quick and simple process, which feels very similar to having their annual vaccination. The microchip is very small, about the size of a piece of long grain rice, and only needs to be implanted once in your pet’s lifetime.

Compulsory microchipping for pets is here 

Puppy and kitten playing

To improve animal welfare and help reduce the number of lost and stray pets, it is now compulsory for all dogs and cats in the UK to be microchipped and recorded on a government compliant database. 

The new legislation requires all puppies and kittens to be implanted and recorded on a government compliant database in the breeder’s name by the time they are 8 weeks old for puppies and 20 weeks old for kittens (unless there is a medical reason why this cannot be done). 

When the puppy or kitten is taken to their new home, the new keeper must transfer ownership into their own name. 

Unchipped adult pets must also be implanted with a microchip and the details held on the relevant database must be up to date.

Tracer™, Elanco™ and the diagonal bar are trademarks of Elanco or its affiliates.


February 2025

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