What are eyeworms in pets?

Eyeworms are parasites that, as the name suggests, infect the eyes of animals and humans. They are transmitted by flies picking up eyeworm larvae from the infected tears of animals and humans.

Eyeworm icon

Eyeworms Factoid! 

Eyeworms live in the tears of dogs and cats.

Animals at risk of eyeworms include:

The symptoms of eyeworms 

Symptoms are generally confined to the eye area, but they can range from teariness, conjunctivitis and discharge to inflammation and ulcers on the cornea.

Dog and cat

Lifecycle and stages of eyeworms 

Infection stages: It can take about 3 weeks from infection to the development of symptoms in dogs.

Risks of eyeworms to humans

Humans can occasionally become infected by the flies that spread the infection to pets, and children are most at risk.

Spread in Europe

Eyeworm is increasingly being found throughout Europe, notably in Italy, Switzerland, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal and Eastern Europe.

How to get rid of eyeworms in pets

A prescription wormer from your vet will be needed to treat eyeworm.

Find out more about other worms in pets

This information was provided to you by Elanco Animal Health makers of Milbemax™.

Information regarding the side effects, precautions, warnings and contra-indications can be found in product packaging and leaflets; further information can also be found in the Summary of Product Characteristics. Use medicines responsibly (UK). Advice should be sought from the prescriber prior to use.

Milbemax™, Elanco™ and the diagonal bar logo are trademarks of Elanco or its affiliates.


October 2024

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