Petlog is the UK’s largest pet microchip database with over 13 million owners and pets recorded to date. Petlog is a not for profit organisation, which defers income to protect their lifetime promise and is managed by the Kennel Club.
Tracer Advance and Petlog have been working in partnership for over 15 years, and all Tracer Advance microchips benefit from lifelong recording with Petlog’s microchip database, which is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. In addition to this, Petlog has a dedicated and manned lost and found telephone service, should the worst happen.
Automatic registration
The Petlog aftercare service team are on hand 24 hours a day to authorised bodies such as animal wardens or animal welfare centres who scan the microchips in found pets and trace their owners via the Petlog database.
After your pet has been microchipped, the veterinary professional will add you and your pet’s details to the Petlog database. Petlog is a Member of the European Pet Network, which means that if your pet is found anywhere in Europe, authorised agencies can help unite you with your pet.
Keeping your details up to date
It is very important to keep your contact details up-to-date, especially if you move house or when you go away on holiday. Should you need to make any changes to your contact details on the Petlog database, there is a cost of £19.95 for unlimited amendments when you upgrade to Petlog Premium, an enhanced service that last the lifetime of the pet. Alternatively, you can make a one-off change to your contact details for £10.
Compulsory microchipping and transfer of keepership
It's now compulsory in the UK for all dogs and cats to be microchipped and recorded on a compliant database by the time they are 8 weeks old or 20 weeks old respectively. If a puppy, kitten or adult pet moves to a new owner, for example a puppy or kitten moving from the breeder to its new home, keepership of the pet must be transferred from the breeder to the new owner.
It is vital that you keep your contact details stored on Petlog up to date, not just because it is a legal requirement but because it will make it easier to contact you should your pet get lost and need to be reunited.
Find out more
Find out more about microchipping and insuring your pet
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