What are hookworms in pets?
Hookworms are intestinal parasites that can infect dogs, less commonly cats and very occasionally humans. They can be picked up by pets if they eat or walk on soil containing hookworm larvae, as the larvae burrow into the skin. These worms latch on to the lining of your pet’s intestine and feed on your pet’s blood.

Hookworms Factoid!
Hookworms attach (or hook) themselves to the animals intestine and feed on their blood.
Dogs and cats at risk of hookworms include:

The symptoms of hookworms
Adult animals may not show any symptoms, but younger animals may suffer from:
- diarrhoea containing blood
- weight loss
- anaemia, if the infection is heavy

Lifecycle and stages of hookworms

Infection stages: The incubation period for hookworm is 2-3 weeks – that's the time lapse between your pet ingesting the parasite, and it starting to affect your pet's health.

Risks of hookworms to humans
Humans can pick up hookworm by walking barefoot on contaminated sand or soil, as the larvae can burrow into the skin. If infected, hookworm can cause intense itching, skin disease and/or intestinal problems.
Spread of hookworms in Europe
Hookworm is quite rare in the UK, but can be found in northern Europe and is more prevalent in the south, so do discuss it with your vet if you are planning on travelling abroad with your pet.

How to get rid of hookworms in pets
If you are travelling abroad speak with your vet about which wormer is best suited to your pet and lifestyle.
Find out more about other worms in pets
This information was provided to you by Elanco Animal Health makers of Milbemax™.
Information regarding the side effects, precautions, warnings and contra-indications can be found in product packaging and leaflets; further information can also be found in the Summary of Product Characteristics. Use medicines responsibly (UK). Advice should be sought from the prescriber prior to use.
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