Take the stress out of travelling with your pet

Our pets are members of our families, and we’d love to be able to take them with us on our family holidays or other travels. Any holiday or trip requires planning and organisation – this is doubly true if a pet is involved! Learn the basics to travelling safely with your pet with our handy checklist.

Prepare and be aware

If you are thinking of travelling with your pet it is important you do your research and talk to your vet well in advance. Your vet will be able to help you understand what you need to do to ensure your pet is allowed to travel with you and what pet health risks might be present at your destination.

  1. Is this trip really in your pet’s best interests?
    The most important first step is to consider your pet’s wellbeing. Travel can be stressful for animals as well as humans, so ask yourself some basic questions about your pet’s suitability for the trip. Is he easily stressed? Is he old or frail? Does being in a crate or carrier cause distress? Our guide to crating dogs may help. You know your pet better than anyone, and if you think the trip might be too much for them, it’s better to leave them behind.

  2. What do you need to know about your destination?
    If you are travelling abroad, you will need to research the rules and regulations of your destination country. What paperwork, passport or permits do they require? What about vaccinations? Has your pet been microchipped? What, if any, quarantine arrangements do you need to make? Is your pet or breed of dog banned from entering the country? The website Pet Travel is a good place to start your research. Ultimately it is the owner's responsibility to ensure the correct requirements are met.

  3. How will your pet travel?
    If you’re planning to take a plane or boat, you will need to take your pet in a crate or carrier (except dogs on some ferry routes) . This can present problems, particularly if your pet is not used to spending time in their carrier. In the weeks and months leading up to your trip, take the time to acclimatise your pet to their crate or carrier. Encourage them to see it as a safe place where they can rest or nap by placing their favourite toys or treats inside. If the crate or carrier will go in a cargo hold, make sure that you get one with a waterproof bottom, adequate ventilation and a strong, secure lock. If you are travelling by air, you will need to make sure that your pet’s crate meets the International Air Transport Association (IATA) requirements.

  4. Is your itinerary pet friendly?
    Make sure you check in advance that all hotels, airlines, ferry and coach companies are pet-friendly. Don’t book anything until you are sure!

  5. Understand the health risks
    Many countries have strict policies that dictate what vaccinations and other health checks your pet will need to undergo before they can enter. Make sure you have researched and complied with all of these! You should also schedule a visit to your vet to discuss your pet’s general health and suitability to travel, as well as any tips and advice they can give. You may also want to research pet and animal hospitals near your destination, in case of emergencies.
    There are numerous virulent parasites found outside the UK that our pets are not usually exposed to. For example, we don't have heartworm in the UK but this potentially fatal parasite is spread in southern Europe by infected mosquitoes. Likewise a type of tapeworm known as Echinococcus multilocularis does not occur in the UK, but is found across much of central Europe. This worm can cause very serious liver disease in humans. The compulsory vaccinations and treatments required do not include protection against many other health risks for your pet.  You will need to do your own research and discuss with your vet to make sure you are fully aware of the risks.
    Did you know... Dogs entering/returning to the UK must be treated for tapeworms by a vet between 1 and 5 days before their scheduled arrival time back in the UK. There can also be different health risks to your pet for travel within the UK not just if you go abroad. Some diseases and parasites are much more common in some areas than others.

  6. Stock up!
    Compile a list of everything your pet will need, and then make a trip to the pet store! Some items to consider include: name tag (with mobile phone number), water and food dishes, brush/grooming tools, food and treats and an old towel or sheet to cover hotel furniture. Another great idea is to bring along a picture of your pet, in case she gets lost.

  7. Get rid of stowaways
    If you don’t already do so, make sure your pet is free of all parasites such as fleas, ticks and worms before you travel by implementing a parasite control routine. Your vet can advise you on products such as spot-ons, tablets or collars that will kill and/or repel these parasites both before and during the trip. Your pet may face different types of parasites abroad than they do at home, so make sure your vet recommends a product that will deal with all the common parasites your pet is likely to face on her travels.

More information is available from ESCCAP here.

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Seresto™ Flea and Tick Control collar contains imidacloprid and flumethrin. Legal category: NFA-VPS. Advantage™ contains imidacloprid. Legal category NFA-VPS in UK.
Capstar™ contains nitenpyram. Legal category AVM-GSL

Information regarding the side effects, precautions, warnings and contra-indications can be found in product packaging and leaflets; further information can also be found in the Summary of Product Characteristics. Use medicines responsibly. Advice should be sought from the prescriber prior to use.

Seresto™, Advantage™, Capstar™, Elanco™ and the diagonal bar are trademarks of Elanco or its affiliates.


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