Lungworm in Galway - what is the prevalence and the risks to dogs?

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Lungworm is prevalent across much or Ireland with research showing the incidence in the fox population at 39.9% with affected foxes being found in all 26 counties.1

In dogs, 5 recent cases2 have been reported in Galway alone, therefore dogs living in this area could be at increasing risk of contracting the potentially fatal parasite.

Climate change is cited as the most likely reason for the spread of lungworm in Ireland, with warmer, wetter weather creating conditions that slugs and snails thrive in. The climate in Ireland is ideal for slugs and snails, which can carry the lungworm larvae. Molluscs can be active all year round and it has been estimated that an acre of farmland may support over 250,000 slugs.3

What is lungworm?

Lungworm (Angiostrongylus vasorum) is a type of parasitic worm which affects the heart and blood vessels of the lungs of animals such as dogs and foxes. Dogs (and foxes) can contract the lungworm parasite by eating infected slugs and snails or potentially even by eating grass or drinking from puddles and outdoor water bowls which may contain infected larvae released in the slime trail.

What are the signs of lungworm?

Lungworm infections can be fatal and it can be difficult to tell if your dog has lungworm as some signs, such as lethargy, weight loss and a cough, can be easily confused with other conditions and often, signs may not be shown at all in the early stages of infection. In more severe cases dogs can develop breathing difficulties & they can even suffer from serious bleeding due to problems with their blood clotting. Thankfully lungworm treatment for dogs is available from your vet, but given the serious nature of this disease it is important to seek help as early as possible.

Can I prevent lungworm in my dog?

The good news is that lungworm can be prevented in your dog, by making a monthly preventative treatment part of your dog’s regular anti-parasite routine. Your vet will be able to suggest an effective lungworm preventative product.

What should I do next?

  1. Visit the map to view cases in your area
  2. Call your vet today, and ask for a preventative lungworm treatment


  1. McCarthy et al. Parasitology. (2016). 143, 588-593

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